Cabarnet  Franc

Year: 2022
Place: Israel
What: Illustration & design
Technique: Gouache

Dok is a boutique restaurant in Tel Aviv, that offers a unique interpretation to the region’s fine local products. Their attention to food extends beyond the plate, and makes them a real hub for social initiatives as well. It was only natural that the restaurant’s own house wine would have an equally specific character. So this new wine, Frank, is personified as a french rural noble, elegant but subdued, nonchalant and refined. Looking at him, you just know he is wearing his worn-out corduroys outside this label.

Commissioned Work

I try to work with a variety of customers from all sorts. Whether it be culinary institutions, or clients in the fields of fashion, literature, music, tourism, and even nightlife—I am devoted to figuring out the most creative and intriguing visual story. I create editorials, logos, labels, covers, and products according to the client’s needs, dreams, and whims. Working with various techniques, manual and digital alike, I thoroughly enjoy finding new ways to manifest and express the clients’ diverse stories. 

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