Between The Branches of the Willow
Year: 2022
Place: Israel
Client: Irit Ben Azar
What: Illustration
Technique: Gouache Collage
Irit Ben Ezer is a child psychologist and the author of this book, “Between the Branches of the Willow,” combining prose, poetry, and essay. Drawing from psychotherapy, the book delves into the world of non-verbal communication between humans and asks how such communication can be harnessed for the purpose of psychotherapy. The book deals with child development and the intricate work of parenting. For the design of the cover, my typical little creature-plants were made into a forest. They are each different and unique, but like a family, they closely interact with each other, maintaining a small ecosystem.
Commissioned Work
I try to work with a variety of customers from all sorts. Whether it be culinary institutions, or clients in the fields of fashion, literature, music, tourism, and even nightlife—I am devoted to figuring out the most creative and intriguing visual story. I create editorials, logos, labels, covers, and products according to the client’s needs, dreams, and whims. Working with various techniques, manual and digital alike, I thoroughly enjoy finding new ways to manifest and express the clients’ diverse stories.
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